jstephencleghorn | angerandcourage

jstephencleghorn | angerandcourage.

If  you’re still undecided about the fracking issue, check out this Pennsylvania residents blog. It will provide some information with a more “first-hand” view than what I have here in Michigan so far.

Industrial Scars

Industrial Scars.

This is an amazing pictorial piece. Click on each photo to move to the next one. We really need to stop this from happening anywhere else.

Let’s get involved with phone calls to our elected officials; phone calls, emails and regular mail to the national groups who are simply asking for “more legislation” to make it safer. You can’t make poisoning the earth “safer” we can only put a stop to it.

Radiation Exposure from Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Radiation Exposure from Fukushima Nuclear Plant.

You really have to check out the information on Radiation Exposure in this article.

With the worry in the scientific and medical communities regarding the US’s potential for exposure to radioactive isotopes from Japan, it seems ever more important to stop the rape of our continent by the oil/gas companies…especially in and around Michigan which  is home to one fifth (1/5) of the worlds fresh water supply.

In a “worst case scenario” Michigan’s fresh water could mean the difference between extinction and survival. This huge fresh water supply should be considered a national treasure and be protected at all costs.

Fracking uses 6-8 million gallons of water per day…can we really afford to poison that much water? We may need it to drink and grow food in the very near future. Currently, gas prices are very low, due to the glut on the market from all the gas made available from the frack sites currently operating. There’s absolutely NO NEED to continue to mine natural gas in America right now.

Call your representatives, senators and governor(s) and tell them Fracking is not what America needs right now. Heck, call the President too while you’re at it.

We don’t need radioactive anything…

A friend who is a member of the Sierra Club sent me this info in an email last week.
“Back in July, on one of those 100+ degree days, Consumers Power recorded their highest electricity use day in Michigan history.
What was most significant about that was that both Davis-Besse (near Detroit) and Palisades (near South Haven) nuke plants were off-line that day, and there were no black-outs or brown-outs. This suggests that we do not need these dangerous, aging dinosaurs in our energy mix; especially considering how expensive they are compared to renewables. We need more wind and solar to supply our energy needs in the future.
Vote for 25% by 2025 on your November ballot!”

STUDY: Fracking Chemicals Are Killing And Neutering Pets And Farm Animals – Business Insider

STUDY: Fracking Chemicals Are Killing And Neutering Pets And Farm Animals – Business Insider.


If these chemicals can do this to our animals, you know we are next. Animals serve as our sentinels, we need to pay attention!

Natural Gas Drilling Debate Heats Up: Read Our Guide – ProPublica

Natural Gas Drilling Debate Heats Up: Read Our Guide – ProPublica.

This isn’t going to go-away unless we make it happen. The greed of corporate America and the corruption of the media and government won’t go away unless we, the 99% make ourselves heard.

Get petitions and circulate them. Write letters. Write emails. Make phone calls. Get out there and make a difference. If we don’t save ourselves, we have no one to blame when it all comes crashing down except ourselves.

“They” have already begun drilling in Ionia County, Allegan County, and southern Barry County.

The time to get involved is NOW !

Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking – ProPublica

Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking – ProPublica.

There is mounting evidence that the toxicity associated with horizontal  high-pressure hydraulic fracturing is contaminating our air and drinking water. Act now to preserve our species!

TEXT: People’s State of the Union – Jill Stein for President

It truly is time for change!

In Michigan, every one of our seats in the House of Representatives is up for grabs this year.

Let’s send a strong message to our politicians that we are not going to take their lackadaisical concern for the 99% a moment longer.

Vote in new blood in the House of Representatives in Michigan, and vote in a Green Candidate to the white house.

It’s time to take our country back.  It’s time to tell corporate America that we won’t take any more!

Vote for someone outside the influences the Democrats and Republicans have gotten themselves into with their acceptance of financial contributions and their good-buddy lobbyist routines. Dr. Stein and Cheri Honkala have a long history of doing what needs to be done and in making a difference in the lives of the 99%.

TEXT: People’s State of the Union – Jill Stein for President.